Checks and Balances

Working implementations :

Encourage community building & sustainable transmission across generations of contributors

This works well with the project as is since trading works as a form of gamification. It at least makes theoretical sense now experimentation would prove this.

Incentivize the enforcement of intellectual property

With Github or more generally git as backend this works well although could be made more powerful with a specialized license.

Objective measures of success

This section of the whitepaper would need further development. The prototype implementation is not a completely objective measure of success considering tokens are issued per code quantity of change whereas to quote Bill Gates “measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” A better solution could be to have a functional implementation letting every project manage how they generate tokens according to their needs so that more prosaic projects can use the classic measure of quantity written while code can measure impact with other open source tools like GitDetective for example.


In the prototype only the simple rule was implemented without the ability to use self defined rules in the form of smart contracts. For that to work it would be interesting to think of a versatile enough language that multiple types of contracts could be handled or else choose one language but that would be rather limiting but doesn’t limit currencies like Ethereum of being great platforms.

Yet to be implemented

A smart contract to define the project and challenge game rules

This part has clearly not been implemented yet but this could solve the issue mentioned above and those additional issues in the WP.


It is quite obvious how this part hasn’t been implemented yet given the current prototype. However, it could be interesting to develop a testnet with no real value to test the mechanisms.

Token and investment signatures

This part was not implemented in the prototype either which is unfortunate since it is actually doable. There was even provision for it in the API with all tokens generated automatically set to SDG0. We didn’t have the time to test whether using the API directly affected token signatures/flavors. The lack thereof makes it hard to handle impact investment.

Propositions and invitations to make Contributions

This part was not implemented in the prototype either as long as we rely on Github the issue system could be powerful enough for one-degree referrals but not further hence the APi would need to add the functionality itself on top like suggested below with the encouragement to share including existing social networks or project repositories could make for a robust referral system.

Rewards for reuse of modules outside of the project

Not implemented but once again GitDetective relying on Github would work pretty well for something like this or alternatively ask people to include everything that is needed for detective to do it’s job if they are on the market but then the impact is only measured within the project. This whole part could actually be an efficient token generation rule for code. Much more objective than the simple rule relying on rate of change.

##Forking mechanism That is not yet implemented in the project but a part of Github and other repository hosts for example.

Merge of two projects

As in the whitepaper it is stated that they don’t know how to make this happened, we will make a suggestion. As we know, we are using git and so we can merge projects together without loosing any previous progress from each projects and thus it can also help for the reuse of modules since we could sort of track them.

Completing/finalizing the whitepaper

The whitepaper as it is today feels uncomplete. Some text is just an enumeration of ideas and doesn’t look that nice in it. And we have some parts (for instance: Merge of two projects), that are missing from the prototype implementation (there’s no button or anything to prove that some options are implemented).

Project Membership

That too wasn’t implemented yet but I personally don’t see it as a market mechanism like in the WP but more as a project or organization mechanism. This could be automatized like suggested in the WP with a smart contract but that is not necessarily ideal for all projects.

the state of the project

The website is very basic and we cannot really test some of the functionalities such as the anti-spam/sabotaging implementation and the modules reuse. In addition the back-end was recently removed because of a bug we found.

Spending the money

That is an area that I consider seriously lacking since it initially seems that tokens are personal not owned belonging to the project so whose money is invested ? Doesn’t it encourage developers to sell tokens as soon as they are generated ? One way to counter that could be more traditional financial mechanisms like dividends… They too could be handled on a per project basis with a smart contract.

Initial Funding

Isn’t it a little bit steep for something that is supposed to encourage involvement ? Although such a steep funding round guarantees a solid backbone for projects to come.

General Questions / Comments


We don’t really see the point in creating a new license, there is already a lot of work being done in that area with licenses like AGPL and SSPL for example. I feel like we should use what we already have since creating such a license. A license that would enforce “provisional financial attribution based on share ownership, which itself is based on the contribution & trading trails over the whole history of the project.” could be interesting eventually but would be a secondary goal to having a working market prototype. One way to develop this could be once the project is live by thinking of a license for remunerating the open source developers working on the market itself demonstrating a powerful recursive approach to this market being itself open source and tradable.

Encouragement to Share

In what way? By social media? By sharing with other people you “followed” on the platform? By having a remuneration from sharing as the slides suggest ? I don’t see how other than having a kind of friend list and we already have a way to advise people for projects. Since in the whitepaper there isn’t anything written, we could give some ideas. For instance, we could have a link to some social media such as Facebook, Github or at least the ability to share outside of the platform to get as much interest as possible.